суббота, 11 апреля 2020 г.

Tips For Speaking English

Idioms and Phrases Lesson Categories

My Pleasure

Meaning/Usage: Happy to do something for someone

Explanation: "Pleasure" is to feel happy. When you use this term, you are telling the other person that you are happy to do it.

"It is my pleasure to introduce you to our guests."

"It was my pleasure to work with you."

"It is my pleasure to be involved in something so important."

A. "I really appreciate all you did helping me finish my project."

B. "No problem at all, it was my pleasure."

English Tips

  🌀 ⭐️ useful_phrases 🎯

1⃣  You know me well

2⃣  Be rational Reza

3⃣  For the last time

4⃣  May God preserve you

5⃣  Don't blame me

6⃣  Why don't you get it

7⃣  I didn't do anything

8⃣  We won't see each other again

9⃣  I hate you all

🔟  what's my sin

1⃣1⃣  It's not clear yet

1⃣2⃣  Why didn't you come out

1⃣3⃣  We should be sure

1⃣4⃣  Dinner is ready

1⃣5⃣  What was the problem


Other Common Sentences

"Don't mention it."

"No problem."

 As long as you have air going through your nostrils there is still hope for you.

Inspite of all negative distractions. Never let the challenges you go through steal the smile on your face, everyday is a good day for a miracle.

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Never wait until you reach a goal to be proud of yourself.

Be proud of every step you take and every positive thought that helps you take a step forward in the positive direction towards achieving your goals.

The Process is just as important as progress. Trust the process, believe in yourself, think positive, keep moving forward and make it happen!

Be determined and intentional to live your best life. The world is waiting on you to be celebrated.

Be unapologetically you.
Keep your faith alive.....&
A better life awaits you!
Sending Light Love and Peace,


Using the present tense after "as if" or ''as though" instead of the past.

Don't say: ❌He talks as if he knows everything.
Say: ✅He talks as if he knew everything.

The phrase "as if" or "as though" should be followed by the past tense. "He talks as if he knew
everything" means "He talks as he would talk if he knew everything.

NOTE: With the verb "to be" the subjunctive "were" is often used after "as if " as, "He acts as if he were a rich man."


🙏Stay Home, Stay Safe, Learn English. 💜

Great week 💐😊

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